Welcome to my new website!
I’m very proud to reveal my new website!  The Hazel Tree has been given a brand new look, and I hope you’ll love it as much as I do.
If you’re already a follower, you will still be able to comment and ‘like’ posts as before. I can confirm that my subscriber list has been transferred successfully to this new site, so if you’re an email subscriber you should get email notifications of new posts automatically, with no need to re-subscribe.
If you’re a newcomer, you are warmly welcome. Please take a look at my About page, and then enjoy sitting under The Hazel Tree at your leisure.
The building, design and transfer of this new site have been done brilliantly by my elder daughter, Verity Sansom. For the logo, my younger daughter, Leonie Mead, came up with a new take on the old design and the result is a gorgeous hazel tree image complete with two happily singing birds. The girls made it look and sound so easy, which I know it is not. My heartfelt thanks to them both!
Stay tuned for more posts on the wonderful landscape, wildlife and historical sites of Scotland, and of course the results of Purdey’s PAWS Awards 2018 (along with a new feline friend who is waiting eagerly to be introduced!) Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy the new site. I’d love to hear what you think!
Verity is a wedding photographer who can also turn her hand to building websites. If you’d like a new site designed for yourself or your business, she would be pleased to give you a quote. You can contact her on verity@sansomphotography.co.uk
Leonie has her own business, Art & Sea, which offers custom-made vinyl graphics for boats, vans, trailers, shops, sign boards… pretty much anything! She has helped many businesses with re-branding and can be contacted on info@artandsea.co.uk
Panorama over Loch Craignish, with the old chapel of Kilvaree (March 2018)

Susan Abernethy
Very nice Jo!
Jo Woolf
Thank you, Susan! 🙂
I like the clean uncluttered look of the new theme. Easy to navigate. Good job ladies!
Jo Woolf
Thank you! 🙂 Glad you find it easy to navigate.
Marie Macpherson
Love the new logo, Jo. Simple doesn’t always mean easy. You’re a multi-talented family! <3
Jo Woolf
Thank you, Marie! I agree that simple is sometimes deceptively easy. They did a good job, didn’t they?! 😀
So exciting to see it live, it was our pleasure to make it all happen!
Jo Woolf
It looks amazing, you should be very proud of yourself! 🙂
That tree with it’s birds almost seems alive! There is motion in those branches. I had a look at their web sites and was really impressed. And they’ve done a great job with your blog. Congratulations!
Jo Woolf
Thank you, Pat! I love the new logo. Yes, they have done a brilliant job! Very talented and versatile! 🙂
Patrick Mackie
Looking good – a great job by the whole team.
Jo Woolf
Thank you, Patrick! 🙂
Looking good! It’s a nice clean design, well done Verity and Leonie. I like the chubby little bluebirds. 🙂
Jo Woolf
Thank you, Lorna! They have come up with exactly what I would have designed myself, if I had that kind of mind! Haha, I love the birds too! 🙂
Nancy White
Really like this new look! Look forward to future browsing.
Jo Woolf
Thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy my new posts. Look forward to sharing them!
I don’t know if any 1 else got this, but when I clicked on C comments, it said this leads 2 a suspicious link, don U still want 2 proceed 2, http://www.hazeltree.com. Feeling it was OK, which normally I wouldn’t do I proceeded & think all OK. Might want 2 mention it 2 ur daughter. Good luck 2 U & them.
Jo Woolf
Thank you, Mia – we’ll certainly check this out.
Hi there … just tuned in. 🙂 so I’m starting with a clean slate, as it were. 😀 … and loving the new look.
Jo Woolf
Thank you very much! A warm welcome to you, in that case, and really glad you love the new-look site! 🙂
Janice Boyes
I have loved your site since I found it. I was looking for the Fraser yew, and got you.Reading about your talented daughters in this post,what a coincidence. My Daughter also lives on the West Coast, of Canada on Quadra Island, and has Waypoint Signs and Picture Framing. She too does a lot of marine and vehicle work as well as stores–and in election season–signs for political candidates. I am as proud of my daughter as you are of yours. My son and daughter in law do the computer stuff.Proud of them too.
Carry on with the lively historical lessons and lovely scenic photography.Janice
Jo Woolf
Thank you very much, Janice! Interesting to hear about what your son and daughter do, and I can see how proud you are! So nice as well if you can go to them for advice! 🙂 I’m interested to hear about the Fraser yew and will look that up. Did you find anything interesting in your search? Best wishes, Jo
Great, looks simple but very very smart….now waiting patiently for the next exploration trip to one of the many ancient monuments surrounding your new home…. 🙂
Jo Woolf
Thank you very much, David! Stand by for the next instalment! 🙂
Dick Walters
Hi Jo I have follow your blog for a while which is great. It was one of the reasons for try my self I wonder if you would look at mine and give me your opinion all comments welcome priorshillcopse.wordpress.com . Also have a website http://www.growingnative.org.uk.
Jo Woolf
Hi Dick, thanks for your comments, and for sending me your links. Why not drop me an email jo(at)thehazeltree.co.uk Best wishes, Jo
I love the new look! It’s been a long time for me to see what you have been up to. Can’t wait to read more!
Jo Woolf
Thank you very much, David! Lovely to hear from you again – hope you’re well! 🙂
Congrats on the new site Jo. It’s as lovely as ever!
Jo Woolf
That’s very kind, thank you! 🙂