• Red deer painting – now finished

    Colin has now finished the red deer painting that he began in January.  Here it is in all its misty mountain glory… You can see the painting in progress in this earlier post on The Hazel Tree. Copyright © Colin Woolf More of Colin’s work can be found at www.wildart.co.uk

  • Red deer painting

    Colin has started 2016 with a big project… a new painting of some red deer making their way across a wintry mountain landscape.  This is going to be a large picture, with plenty of depth and drama.   Here it is in progress! Close-up of the foreground: There’s plenty more to do – acres of heather, he says!    You can watch for updates on Colin’s Facebook page if you like. Colin’s website is www.wildart.co.uk Photos copyright © Colin Woolf

  • Black grouse – a new painting

    Colin has been working on this painting of black grouse over the last couple of weeks – it was on his easel at the Scottish Game Fair, and it’s now finished. There’s a lovely iridescence in the male’s plumage, and the two greyhens are beautiful in their intricate camouflage.  The grass was probably the biggest headache – weaving it around to make it look real! Images copyright © Colin Woolf.  More of his work can be seen at www.wildart.co.uk You can read more about black grouse here on The Hazel Tree.