
Fraser’s Bridge in Glen Clunie

Glenshee 15 (1)

This pretty little bridge spans the Clunie Water as it flows down from the mountains of Glenshee towards Braemar.

Known as Fraser’s Bridge, it carries the old military road from Blairgowrie to Fort George;   it was built in 1752 by General Caulfield, who was continuing the programme of military road-building that had been started by General Wade in the 1720s.

Bridge 5

The bridge is in very good condition, and is still passable by cars.  The old road then follows the bank of the river north to Braemar.    Heavy traffic is now diverted away by the main A93, which continues up the eastern side of the river.

Bridge 1

The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland describes Fraser’s Bridge as…

“…a graceful two-span rubble structure, with flattened segmental arches of unequal size and a triangular cutwater.”

Another site, Scottish Highland Bridges, elaborates a little further…

“The voussoirs are narrow and uneven, some extending up into the spandrels. On the flat coping stones are some masons’ marks and initials, probably [made by] the Victorian men.”

This has made me look up ‘voussoirs’, which are the wedge-shaped stones placed on end to form the arches.  A ‘spandrel’ is the space between two arches.   I’ve learned something today!

Glenshee 14 (1)


All photos copyright © Jo Woolf

Bridge (1)If you’re interested in military roads, you’ll love this beautiful little bridge in the Sma’ Glen, Perthshire.  You can also read more about General Wade’s ambitious road-building programme!