The Stone of Scone
The Stone of Scone, otherwise known as the Stone of Destiny, has so many legends and stories about its origin that it’s hard to know where to start. In 1296, four years after the coronation of John Balliol as King of Scotland, the Scots were defeated by the English at the Battle of Dunbar. King Edward I, the ‘Hammer of the Scots’, continued to make rapid progress through Scotland, taking possession of its principal castles and religious centres, which included Scone Abbey. Aware of the history and symbolism of the Stone of Scone, he lost no time in despatching it to England, along with the Scottish ‘Honours’ or crown jewels…
Common butterwort
A dainty plant with a ferocious habit (well, if you're an insect, that is!)
The whirlpool of Corryvreckan
Between the islands of Jura and Scarba, a natural phenomenon of the most dangerous kind lies in wait for mariners - and you might hear it before you see it...